New Cultural Orientation Assessment Handbook Available

A group of volunteers attending new cultural orientation provider training

As a helpful training tool for CO providers in resettlement offices who want to better understand the CO assessment process, CORE has developed The Cultural Orientation Assessment Handbook.

The United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) requires that CO programs in the United States assess student learning after CO instruction and recommends the use of the Model Assessment. However, Resettlement Agencies are encouraged to work with local resettlement offices to establish a feasible assessment approach that makes sense within their networks.

The Cultural Orientation Assessment Handbook offers guidance on using the Model Assessment to determine the extent to which each refugee client has learned the essential information and skills taught in CO. It also supports CO providers and their supervisors to develop and use assessment tools that are appropriate to their needs and capacity. The Handbook is free to download and can be found on the CORE website with other assessment and evaluation tools here.