In February 2024, CORE hosted two Cultural Orientation Knowledge Exchange Workshops in Chicago, IL, and Silver Spring, MD, which provided space for in-person collaboration and knowledge sharing among domestic resettlement staff. We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all participants, partners, and stakeholders who contributed to the success of these workshops.
The workshops brought together a diverse group of 66 participants, including resettlement staff from 49 local agencies across 27 states and D.C. These workshops were a vibrant platform for participants to engage in meaningful discussions, skill-building exercises, and networking opportunities.

“This workshop was reaffirming and a constructive environment in which to examine my current CO delivery practices and learn new techniques to streamline my sessions more effectively.”
– Silver Spring Participant
Key highlights included:
- Exploring The Road Ahead Curriculum. Participants gained a deeper understanding of CORE’s new domestic Cultural Orientation curriculum, The Road Ahead, including time to adapt and tailor these resources to meet the unique needs of their local agencies.
- Sharing Promising Practices. The workshops provided space for participants to share best practices, exchange ideas and solutions, and learn from one another’s experiences.
- Networking and Collaboration. Beyond the workshops, participants built meaningful connections with fellow providers for ongoing collaboration and support within the resettlement community.
CORE is committed to providing ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for engagement to resettlement staff across the Cultural Orientation continuum. Stay tuned for more updates and technical assistance opportunities from CORE.

“This (workshop) not only helped me be a part of something larger but opened my eyes to so many resources and ideas I would have never come to. If we were virtual, I wouldn’t have been able to pay attention or make connections in the same way.”
– Chicago Participant