About CORE

Cultural orientation providers attending a workshop hosted by CORE

About CORE

The Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange (CORE), a technical assistance program, connects and supports refugee resettlement staff globally to deliver effective Cultural Orientation which helps refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders achieve self-sufficiency in the United States.

Through CORE, Cultural Orientation providers can:

  • Participate in online and in-person learning opportunities
  • Download resources to deliver Cultural Orientation
  • Utilize refugee resources in multiple languages and multimedia formats

CORE is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), and administered by the International Rescue Committee.

Who We Serve

Before refugees arrive in the United States, they usually work closely with an assigned Resettlement Support Center overseas. Most refugees come to the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and receive pre-departure Cultural Orientation. This map provides information about pre-departure Cultural Orientation at the Resettlement Support Centers worldwide.


  • RSC Africa – Church World Service (CWS)
  • RSC Austria – HIAS
  • RSC Asia – International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • RSC Eurasia – International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • RSC Latin America – International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • RSC Middle East and North Africa – International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • RSC Turkey and Middle East – International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)

In the U.S., refugees are assigned to a Resettlement Agency to help them integrate into their new communities. Resettlement Agencies have cooperative agreements to resettle refugees under the Reception and Placement Program, a public/private partnership with PRM. This map provides the locations for offices in the U.S. during FY20.

Our Impact

CORE’s work helps Cultural Orientation providers boost their skills and increase their knowledge. The Cultural Orientation they provide to refugees is then better coordinated, more consistent, and higher quality. Indirectly, CORE serves refugees through the creation of resources and digital platforms that support the understanding of key Cultural Orientation messages.


trainings attended by 6,858 individuals


resources for refugees


visitors from 170 countries to Settle In