
Burmese refugee young women reading the news at an IRC resource center in Myanmar


Using ‘The Road Ahead’ to Streamline and Strengthen Cultural Orientation

CORE is excited to offer two upcoming webinars to support Cultural Orientation providers in using The Road Ahead, a domestic Cultural Orientation curriculum. Over the last year, many providers have started using The Road Ahead as their foundational resource, streamlining and strengthening their programming.   These webinars are intended for domestic resettlement staff, with a focus […]

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CORE’s Settle In Mobile App Honored by Fast Company

Integrate Technology into Your Transportation Sessions

How to Improve Your Cultural Orientation Delivery to Burmese Refugees

3 Ways to Kick Off the New Fiscal Year

Domestic Refugee Communications Pilot Sites Hit the Ground Running

Domestic Refugee Communications Pilot Kicks Off

New Promising Practice: Using Volunteers In Cultural Orientation

Updates on CORE’s Summer of Learning

Digitize the Wait: New Video and Audio Playlists for Resettlement Office Waiting Rooms

Make It Stick: CORE’s Answer to Delivering Interactive One-on-One Cultural Orientation

5 Tips to Make Your Hygiene Lessons Shine

CORE Director Visits RSC Eurasia

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