New Promising Practice: Using Volunteers In Cultural Orientation

An IRC community engagement coordinator helping a group of refugees learn about travel and the airport. IRC/Andrew Oberstadt

Ever wonder how to best incorporate volunteers as a part of Cultural Orientation? This is one of the key questions answered in CORE’s latest promising practice document, Using Volunteers for Cultural Orientation, which includes step-by-step guidance, tips, and various stories from the field. Download the promising practice today to learn more. CORE will also hold […]

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Updates on CORE’s Summer of Learning

Refugees learning about money management during a cultural orientation class

This summer, CORE is offering Cultural Orientation providers a variety of capacity building and training opportunities. In June, CORE launched a new online lesson, Delivering Interactive One-on-One Cultural Orientation. Watch the video above featuring some of the course content. As a follow up to this online lesson, CORE also kicked off its first virtual practicum on the […]

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Digitize the Wait: New Video and Audio Playlists for Resettlement Office Waiting Rooms

Digitize Wait

Waiting rooms aren’t just for waiting. The spaces can be overlooked, but can potentially serve as an educational touch point for refugees. One way to take advantage of client wait time at your organization’s office is by emphasizing key messages about life in the United States. CORE has videos and podcasts translated in multiple languages […]

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Make It Stick: CORE’s Answer to Delivering Interactive One-on-One Cultural Orientation

A resettlement case worker helping a refugee learn about life in the U.S.

One-on-one Cultural Orientation is an increasingly common part of today’s refugee resettlement experience. Without a group setting for learning, many Cultural Orientation providers are asking the question: “How can I maintain a dynamic learning experience for refugees that applies adult learning principles and includes student-centered activities?” CORE’s newest online lesson, Delivering Interactive One-on-One CO, is […]

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CORE Director Visits RSC Eurasia

A group of cultural orientation providers at a CORE workshop

CORE Director Kate Steger (standing) conducted a five-day consultation visit at the Resettlement Support Center Eurasia February 25 – March 1. The visit was an opportunity to collaborate with George Gholam, RSC Eurasia’s project officer of compliance, communications and cultural orientation, and engage other staff. Kate saw the program in action and identified ways CORE can provide […]

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New Refugee Resource: Download or Listen to ‘Hygiene in the United States’

A person washing their hands with soap and water

As a follow to the “Navigating Challenging Cultural Orientation Conversations” webinar in December, CORE created Hygiene in the United States. Available as a fact sheet and podcast, this resource reviews hygiene practices in the United States, including personal hygiene and maintaining the home. This resource can be found on the CORE Resettlement Navigator website in multiple languages. […]

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Refugee Resources Now Available in Russian

Russian CORE website Navigation screenshot

In response to requests from domestic and overseas Cultural Orientation providers, the CORE Resettlement Navigator website and the Settle In app are now available in Russian. These newly translated resources can be used with Russian-speaking refugees throughout their resettlement journey. To learn more about how resettlement staff can use and promote these resources in their […]

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CO Knowledge Exchange Workshops Continue with Success

A cultural orientation trainer learning about the refugee resettlement journey at a CORE workshop

CORE delivered two Cultural Orientation Knowledge Exchange Workshops last month in Philadelphia and Raleigh-Durham. To learn more about the workshops and hear one participant’s key takeaways, watch the video below. CORE will be conducting additional evaluation of these workshops and will use feedback to inform future workshops planned this year. Special thanks to PRM Program […]

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