Upcoming CORE Webinar: Delivering Cultural Orientation on U.S. Laws

Photograph of a gavel

CORE’s Webinar Series will resume on Wednesday, August 29th with “Delivering Cultural Orientation on U.S. Laws.” This webinar will focus on the topic of U.S. Laws and the resources and techniques you can use to teach refugees about their rights and responsibilities when they arrive in the United States. The session will draw on CORE’s […]

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CORE Delivers Additional CO Knowledge Exchange Workshops

A group photograph of COKE workshop participants

Following the success of the CO Knowledge Exchange Workshops held earlier this year, CORE delivered another round of workshops in Sacramento, California and Houston, Texas on July 24th and 26th respectively. The workshops focused on facilitating knowledge exchange and building the capacity of resettlement staff to utilize CORE’s resources and enhance overall CO delivery. In total, 59 […]

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CORE Provides Technical Assistance for Refugee Communications Scale-Up at RSC Africa

A group of overseas resettlement support center staff members collaborating together during a CORE site visit

CORE’s Refugee Communication Initiative aims to increase touch points with refugees during the resettlement process and harmonize pre-departure and post-arrival Cultural Orientation messaging. To achieve this goal, CORE provides technical assistance on using CORE’s digital communication tools at select locations. In July, CORE’s Digital Initiatives Officer Carmel Pryor traveled to Nairobi, Kenya and Byumba, Rwanda […]

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CORE’s Refugee-Facing Resources now available in Kinyarwanda, Swahili

Two hands holding an Apple iPhone displaying the SettleIn mobile app

Language barriers during resettlement can frustrate refugees and service providers alike. CORE’s refugee-facing resources are designed to ease communication with refugees by providing preliminary USRAP and Cultural Orientation knowledge in their own languages. Available on CORE’s Resettlement Navigator website, CORE’s fact sheets, videos, and podcasts are now available in Kinyarwanda and Swahili, in addition to English and […]

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Additional Money Management Resources Available

A photograph of a magnifying class, calculator, and budget information depicting financial topics

During the initial resettlement period, refugees will need to make many choices about money management in order to ensure not only self-sufficiency, but long-term financial success in the United States. To guide refugees and assist the staff who work with them, CORE has developed a new set of resources on Money Management in the U.S. The […]

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Advanced Level Available for Online CO Certification Course

CORE is excited to announce that the Advanced Level of the Online Cultural Orientation (CO) Certification Course is now available. Each lesson takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Topics include: Taking a Strengths-Based Approach Creating a Positive Learning Environment Managing Common Challenges of CO Delivery Open to all resettlement staff involved in the implementation […]

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Download CORE’s Mobile App, Settle In

The CORE SettleIn App Screenshot

CORE’s Settle In refugee-facing mobile app is an in-your-pocket travel companion that provides refugees with relevant just-in-time CO information and invites refugees to interact with a variety of learning activities. These resources are meant to augment CO delivery and help refugees stay informed, engaged, and motivated throughout the resettlement journey. Settle In is available for […]

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Upcoming CORE Webinar: Addressing Money Management

A recently resettled refugee learning how to buy a subway ticket

CORE’s Webinar Series continues on Thursday, June 21st with “Addressing Money Management.” This webinar will focus on the topic of Money Management and how to engage refugees in Cultural Orientation around key messages on budgeting, financing, and self-sufficiency. The session will highlight CORE’s new Money Management resources including a supplemental lesson plan, and offer an opportunity […]

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NEW CORE CO Knowledge Exchange Workshops

Cultural orientation staff working together during a CORE workshop

CORE is pleased to announce that we will be providing more CO Knowledge Exchange Workshops in July. Based on positive feedback from the first series of Knowledge Exchange workshops conducted earlier this year, CORE will be delivering similar workshops at two new locations: Sacramento, CA – Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 Houston, TX – Thursday, July 26th, 2018 […]

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Supporting Your Child in School Resources

Staff at a K-12 school welcoming a refugee family and their young child

While the United States has much to offer in terms of educational opportunities, navigating the system can be challenging for refugee families arriving to the United States with school-aged children. To help CO providers and other staff working in refugee resettlement better respond to this need, CORE has developed a supplemental lesson plan and video on […]

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