New Cultural Orientation Assessment Handbook Available

A group of volunteers attending new cultural orientation provider training

As a helpful training tool for CO providers in resettlement offices who want to better understand the CO assessment process, CORE has developed The Cultural Orientation Assessment Handbook. The United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) requires that CO programs in the United States assess student learning after CO instruction […]

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CORE Launches Online Learning for CO Providers

CORE training material

Are you a Cultural Orientation (CO) provider looking to expand your CO knowledge base, validate your CO expertise, and impress your boss? Or are you a supervisor looking to maximize human resources, provide meaningful onboarding training for new staff, volunteers, and interns, and expand your current staff’s knowledge of CO objectives and lessons? If your […]

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New Website, New Video in Honor of World Refugee Day!

COREnav Website Elements

In this issue of The CORE Connection, CORE is introducing the new CORE Resettlement Navigator website for refugees and the new Reception and Placement Animated Video as well as introducing the new Resources for Refugees section of the CORE website. CO providers, case worker staff, partner organizations, Resettlement Agencies, and others, may want to access and […]

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AmeriCorps Volunteers and Librarians Learn about CORE Resources

A group photograph of CWS resettlement staff

CORE at Church World Service AmeriCorps Member Conference Conference organizer Ella Fowler (front row, left) poses with the group of conference participants. Photo courtesy of CWS. On January 25, 2017, CORE Director Jason Crislip was invited to present at a Church World Service (CWS) AmeriCorps Member Conference at CWS headquarters in New York City. Attending […]

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New Animated Video: United States Refugee Admissions Program Overview

CORE developed the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program Overview video to provide refugee applicants and other stakeholders with insight into the resettlement process. The video guides viewers through the steps from the RSC Prescreening interview to arrival in the United States.  CO Leaders Workshop Recap CORE hosted its second annual CO Leadership Workshop in Silver Spring, […]

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Join the CO Leadership Webinar

Cultural orientation providers learning about preparing volunteers for cultural orientation at a CORE workshop

You’re Invited! Interested in learning more about RSCs and their CO programs? Please join CORE’s webinar on: “Overseas Resettlement Support Center Cultural Orientation Programs” The webinar will take place on Wednesday, December 7 at 3pm EST as part of CORE’s 2016 Cultural Orientation Leadership Workshop. The workshop brings together overseas Resettlement Support Center CO coordinators and domestic […]

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CORE Spotlight: Interactive Story Map Documents Life-Changing Journey

Mother with two sons on plane

A Life-Changing Journey: CORE’s Overseas CO Providers Workshop Participants Document Their Experiences as Refugee Escorts CORE hosted its first annual Overseas Cultural Orientation (CO) Providers Workshop – an experiential training event – from May 30 to June 10. The workshop was designed to build the capacity of participants by immersing them in the resettlement experience […]

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