Integrate Digital Technology in Cultural Orientation

A Syrian refugee family looks at resources on a cell phone

The integration of digital technology in Cultural Orientation benefits both providers and refugees. For Cultural Orientation providers, digital technology can be used to customize and enhance participant learning, reinforce key messages, and extend learning outside Cultural Orientation. For refugees, exposure to digital technology can improve understanding of the resettlement experience and promote self-sufficiency.


Assess Capacity

Slide Content

Examples of Experiential Learning in Cultural Orientation

  • Preview the topic of transportation by playing the first 50 seconds of the Public Transportation in the U.S. slideshow without audio. Ask learners about their impressions of what transportation in the U.S. might be like; then play slideshow again with audio to check their answers.
  • Complete the Spectrum Activity from the Employment for Refugee Women lesson plan, and then lead follow-up discussion using the Employment for Refugee Women podcast to reinforce key messages.
  • Have learners work in pairs. Assign each pair different chapters of the Settle In mobile app. After pairs have completed a chapter, have them exchange with other pairs what they learned.
  • For larger groups, assign learners different Cultural Orientation topics. Ask them to review resources on the Settle In website and then prepare interactive presentations to teach others the key points on their given topic.
  • Take learners on a field trip to a local library with computers. Provide learners with a list of reputable links for accessing community services. Ask them to navigate to these online resources using the computers.
  • Guide learners in downloading the Settle In mobile app. Ask them to complete a chapter of the app at home, corresponding with a subject already covered in Cultural Orientation. Ask them to share their experiences during the next Cultural Orientation session.

Practice in Action

RSC Eurasia has identified two practical ways to integrate digital technology in Cultural Orientation. Serving learners with strong digital skills, RSC Eurasia offers digital access to the Welcome Guide using a QR code posted in the Cultural Orientation class. This allows learners to download the Welcome Guide during and after Cultural Orientation. They have also incorporated technology into the monitoring and evaluation of Cultural Orientation by creating a survey which is also accessible through a QR code.

Digital Technology and the Resettlement Process

The following are possible ways that refugees may interact with digital technology during the resettlement process. These interactions are opportunities to improve learners’ digital skills. This is an illustrative list and may not apply to all refugees.

  • Accessing Resettlement Support Center online case-status portal
  • Learning more about the resettlement process through the Settle In website
  • Accessing public benefits and community-based services
  • Communicating via email with the resettlement agency
  • Searching for jobs
  • Managing finances and banking
  • Paying bills online
  • Engaging with their children’s school
  • Submitting a change in address
  • Scheduling health appointments
  • Accessing online language learning resources
  • Registering for Selective Service (if applicable)