Making Your Way: A Reception and Placement Orientation Curriculum
As of September, 2023: Making Your Way is outdated and does not align with the revised Cultural Orientation Objectives and Indicators (O&Is). Making Your Way has been replaced by The Road Ahead, a Domestic CO Curriculum. Navigate to The Road Ahead webpage for updated domestic CO curriculum and guidance.
While the complete curriculum is 761 pages, we offer The Complete Basics, individual chapters, and supplemental materials as separate downloads. Before using any of these materials, read the two-page Getting Started Guide.
Featured Resource
Making Your Way: Getting Started Guide
This brief guide provides information on how to use Making Your Way to enhance orientation provision to refugees.
Complete Curriculum
Complete Making Your Way: R&P Orientation Curriculum
This curriculum includes the following topics:
- Role of the Local Resettlement Agency
- Community Services and Public Assistance
- Housing
- Transportation
- Employment
- Education
- Health and Hygiene
- Budgeting and Personal Finance
- Cultural Adjustment
- U.S. Laws & Refugee Status
- Orientation Wrap-Up