Teaching Remotely

A refugee resettlement caseworker looking at her computer while at work. IRC/OAcland

Teaching Remotely

Successful delivery of remote Cultural Orientation often relies on addressing digital inclusion for refugees. The term digital inclusion includes digital access and digital literacy. This page serves as a hub to centralize tools on how to deliver remote Cultural Orientation delivery with information and resources on digital inclusion. Remember, remote Cultural Orientation delivery is new for resettlement staff, refugees, and interpreters, and involves additional considerations, preparation, and flexibility.

Practice in Action

Scroll through to discover different examples of digital inclusion practices used with refugees. For examples specific to Cultural Orientation, check out the Resources for Remote Cultural Orientation section. If you have your own example to share, Contact Us.


Marino Philanthropies Digital Access Project

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Resources for Remote Cultural Orientation

Just getting started with remote Cultural Orientation? Looking to enhance your existing delivery? Refer to these resources for guidance, tips, and examples from the field.

Resources for Digital Inclusion

Being mindful of digital inclusion ensures refugees have access to and use the technology and resources they need. Below are a variety of resources that can help address digital access and inclusion both in and outside of Cultural Orientation delivery.

  • National Digital Inclusion Alliance: This organization advocates for home broadband access, public broadband access, device access, and local technology training and support programs
  • Digital Internet Guidebook: This guide developed by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and provides guidance for implementing digital inclusion at your organization
  • LifeLine: Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the cost for phone and internet access
  • EveryoneOne: EveryOne is a non-profit that connects low-income families with affordable internet, computers, and digital skills trainings
  • FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit: The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program to help households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. This benefit connects eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms
  • Digital US Digital Navigator Hub: This Hub includes guides and learning resources that organizations can use to provide on-demand tech support to adult learners such as relevant information to secure connectivity and devices, and foundational digital skills, learning, and job training

  • EdTech Center: EdTech aims to increase the reach and impact of adult education by leveraging new digital technologies
  • Digitunity Technology Gap Map: This map illustrates what device ownership looks like today, and illustrates technology gaps at state and county levels
  • LINCS Digital Literacy Initiatives: LINCS is a program funded by the U.S. Department of Education that provides digital literacy initiatives to adult learners. Its main goal is to enhance the integration of technology into instruction and increase student access to technology