Settle In Live Events Recap: Uniting for Ukraine Assistance Overview and Taxes

Uniting for Ukraine Post-Arrival Assistance Overview 
Did you miss the March live event about the assistance available in the United States to Ukrainian parolees arriving through the Uniting for Ukraine program? We have recordings available! The U.S. government has limited funding for assisting Ukrainian parolees with the cost of food, housing, health, and other basic needs. During this event, we discussed some of the main aspects of this program. We did not cover the Uniting for Ukraine application process or eligibility requirements. The recordings are available in Ukrainian, Russian, and English

Taxes: Settle In Live Events for Afghans and Ukrainians 
As Tax Day approaches, don’t forget about the two-part event on taxes for Afghans and Ukrainians. Maria Sigalas from the International Rescue Committee’s Financial Capabilities team joined Settle In to provide an overview of the tax system in the United States and tips for filing yearly tax returns. 

Part 1: Taxes in the United States 
Settle In for Ukrainians Recordings: Ukrainian, Russian, English 
Settle In for Afghans Recordings: Dari, Pashto, English 

Part 2: Preparing Your Yearly Tax Returns 
Settle In for Ukrainians Recordings: Ukrainian, Russian, English 
Settle In for Afghans Recordings: Dari, Pashto, English